Episode 301: Best of Past Cases with Updates

URGENT - TAKE ACTION: Marcellus Williams is at risk of being executed for a crime that even his prosecutors now agree he did not commit. Act now to stop his execution and help The Innocence Project to ensure Marcellus Williams finally gets to present this evidence in court. Learn more and sign the petition at https://innocenceproject.org/petitions/stop-the-execution-of-marcellus-williams-an-innocent-man/

An innocent man faces execution in just 55 days. A perpetrator’s spouse finally speaks out. A man known for running the scariest place in America has been arrested. And a look at the post-incarceration life of a woman convicted of second-degree murder. This week’s episode is Best of Past Cases with Updates.


Episodes Featured This Week

  • Episode 255: The Wrongful Conviction of Marcellus Williams

  • Episodes 180 and 181: Sherri Papini Parts 1 and 2

  • Episode 73: McKamey Manor and Other Extreme Haunts

  • Episode 49: Gypsy Rose Blanchard



After Attorney General’s Request for Execution Date, St. Louis County Prosecutor Files Motion to Vacate Marcellus Williams’ Death Sentence, Death Penalty Information Center: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/after-attorney-generals-request-for-execution-date-st-louis-county-prosecutor-files-motion-to-vacate-marcellus-williams-death-sentence


Missouri AG Asks Missouri Supreme Court to Block Hearing on DNA Evidence Proving Marcellus Williams’ Innocence, Innocence Project: https://innocenceproject.org/ag-asks-missouri-supreme-court-to-block-hearing-on-dna-evidence-marcellus-williams-innocence/


Opinion Overruling Motion to Withdraw Warrant of Execution, Missouri Supreme Court: https://www.courts.mo.gov/file.jsp?id=209675


Missouri AG's Motion Denied: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vhJFkzxevBWUMZhu8aw2sYgp0ZaxTPnq/view


Missouri Supreme Court Rejects AG’s Attempt To Prevent Innocence Hearing For Marcellus Williams, Innocence Project: https://innocenceproject.org/breaking-news-missouri-supreme-court-rejects-ags-attempt-to-prevent-innocence-hearing-for-marcellus-williams/


Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini:


Letter from the Tennessee Office of the Attorney General to Russ McKamey: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24954541-mckamey-letter


McKamey Manor Tennessee owner files $8.4M lawsuit against Hulu, documentary participant, The Tennessean: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/04/11/mckamey-manor-tennessee-haunted-house-owner-sues-hulu-others-after-monster-inside-documentary/73276904007/


McKamey Manor Owner in Hulu Doc Charged with Attempted Murder, Rape, Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/mckamey-manor-russ-owner-hulu-arrested-murder-rape-1929844


Episode 302: Kat Torres: Model, Influencer, Human Trafficker - Part 1


Episode 300: The Kraken