Episode 303: Kat Torres: Model, Influencer, Human Trafficker - Part 2

She lured her victims across the world with promises of wealth and wellness. Instead, they were forced into denigrating work for zero pay, all while being told if they resisted, they would be cursed - or worse. When the victims’ families and other survivors came forward, authorities finally stepped in. Will other victims come forward? Is her reign of manipulation and abuse truly over? This week’s episode is Kat Torres: Model, Influencer, Human Trafficker - Part 2.


Alien baths and requests for donations on social media: who is Kat Torres, the former Brazilian model arrested in the US?, Globo: https://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2022/11/14/banhos-alienigenas-e-pedidos-de-doacoes-nas-redes-quem-e-kat-torres-ex-modelo-brasileira-presa-nos-eua.ghtml


Kat Torres calls Yasmin Brunet 'ugly', 'stupid' and 'looks like a Ceará native', Noticias 7: https://noticias.r7.com/minas-gerais/kat-torres-chama-yasmin-brunet-de-feia-burra-e-cara-de-cearense-20102022/


Kat Torres case involves false accusation against Yasmin Brunet: 'I must have spent four, five days in bed, crying', Globo: https://g1.globo.com/fantastico/noticia/2022/11/14/caso-kat-torres-envolve-acusacao-falsa-contra-yasmin-brunet-devo-ter-ficado-uns-quatro-cinco-dias-de-cama-chorando.ghtml


Kat Torres, the former Brazilian model and influencer convicted of human trafficking and slavery, Globo: https://g1.globo.com/mundo/noticia/2024/07/15/kat-torres-a-ex-modelo-e-influencer-brasileira-condenada-por-trafico-humano-e-escravidao.ghtml


Luxury life in the US, human trafficking and prison: how Kat Torres lost everything, Splash UOL: https://www.uol.com.br/splash/noticias/2022/11/23/kat-torres.htm?cmpid=copiaecola


'Manipulated all the time': Young woman tells police that guru Kat Torres forced her to record false accusations against Yasmin Brunet and her own father, Globo: https://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/noticia/2022/12/manipulada-todo-o-tempo-a-policia-jovem-diz-que-guru-kat-torres-a-forcou-a-gravar-falsas-acusacoes-contra-yasmin-brunet-e-o-proprio-pai.ghtml


Phony guru Kat Torres sentenced to eight years in prison for human trafficking, Globo: https://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/noticia/2024/07/15/falsa-guru-kat-torres-e-condenada-a-oito-anos-de-prisao-por-trafico-humano.ghtml


'The Internet is not a no man's land. All this madness ended here', says Yasmin Brunet after responding to accusations of human trafficking in the US, Globo: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2022/10/27/internet-nao-e-terra-de-ninguem-essa-loucura-toda-acabou-aqui-diz-yasmin-brunet-apos-rebater-acusacao-de-trafico-humano-nos-eua.ghtml


With Kat Torres in prison, Letícia and Desirrê resume contact with family, Metropoles: https://www.metropoles.com/celebridades/com-kat-torres-presa-leticia-e-desirre-retomam-convivio-com-a-familia


Yasmin Brunet files a complaint for slander, defamation and threats after being mentioned by a Brazilian woman who said she had escaped captivity in the US, Globo: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2022/10/26/yasmin-brunet-presta-queixa-por-calunia-difamacao-e-ameaca-apos-ser-citada-por-brasileira-que-disse-ter-escapado-de-cativeiro-nos-eua.ghtml


Yasmin Brunet talks about the Kat Torres case: "I trust the Brazilian justice system", Globo: https://revistaquem.globo.com/entrevistas/noticia/2022/11/yasmin-brunet-fala-sobre-caso-kat-torres-eu-confio-na-justica-brasileira.ghtml


Yasmin Brunet tells Amaury Jr. about the accusations, RedeTV:  Yasmin Brunet comenta caso Kat Torres: “Recebi ameaça de morte” #shorts


Young woman breaks her silence, says she was 'under the total power' of Kat Torres in the US and asks Brunet for forgiveness: 'She wanted to accuse her of things she herself did', Globo: https://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/direitos-humanos/noticia/2022/12/jovem-rompe-o-silencio-diz-ter-ficado-sob-total-poder-de-kat-torres-nos-eua-e-pede-perdao-a-brunet-ela-queria-acusa-la-de-coisas-que-ela-mesma-fazia.ghtml?utm_source=globo.com&utm_medium=oglobo


Episode 304: America's Dark Web - The NSA’s Utah Data Center


Episode 302: Kat Torres: Model, Influencer, Human Trafficker - Part 1