Episode 203: Supreme Court Round Up 2022

This is the true story of nine strangers, picked to serve on a court, decide cases together, and have their actions scrutinized. Find out what happens when rights stop being decided by voters and start getting real eroded. This week’s episode is Supreme Court Round Up 2022.



These were some common themes in questions from listeners + links to more information.

What are trigger laws and how do they work?

In abortion ban states, what happens with…

Could I get an abortion if…

How can LGBTQIA+ couples protect themselves?

How about impeaching some of the justices for what they said about Roe in their confirmation hearings?

SOURCES (by case)

DOBBS V. JACKSON WOMEN’S HEALTH - Overturning Roe v. Wade

SHINN V. RAMIREZ - Right to effective assistance of counsel

VEGA V. TEKOH - Eroding our Miranda rights

CASTRO-HUERTA v. OKLAHOMA - An attack on tribal sovereignty


2022 Supreme Court Review: How The Court Dismantled Democracy, On The Issues with Michele Goodwin: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5jf6qpsiEEI0dqUL0R4Foh?si=CYm9B6BvRk2dCjJdLKzZTw

A Guide to the Supreme Court’s Rightward Shift, The Ezra Klein Show: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5yqIR4BOUVHYRnX4RHm8s0?si=SCzAvogbRaCT92WnVAOhQw

A Supreme Court Term Like No Other, Amicus: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1IE9uzY9ApmFxOOP5vmFZw?si=JB_ebGtXTlmfEyeiujalZQ&nd=1

Abortion: The Science and the Supreme Court, Science Vs: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4U8Z9cf2agWfd7Ml2PPziZ?si=htLx_QGrSImL_Ht2bFe6yg

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation, Supreme Court of the United States: https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/constitutional.aspx

The Court and Its Procedures, SCOTUS Official Website: https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/procedures.aspx

The Major Supreme Court Decisions in 2022, New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/06/21/us/major-supreme-court-cases-2022.html 

The Supreme Court just had its most conservative term in nine decades, Consider This from NPR: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6DOuwQmevMf8pCnzAY0hc5?si=vUWSQysmRd6B78QC6oNo5g&nd=1

The Supreme Court Needs an Upgrade, What Next: https://open.spotify.com/episode/79ZjlnBcvaxEYruNt5PQIP?si=Qb9wZvFQS7OEV-uwUnjibw

The Supreme Court Went Off the Rails Long Before Dobbs, The Ezra Klein Show: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4TDsHs7NZ0aAvhb2Sij7JU?si=IXMfTsJ3ReSd3eGaNaD-qg

Trump Justices Cast Deciding Votes in “Shadow Docket” Order Harming Minority Voting Rights in Louisiana, People for the American Way: https://www.pfaw.org/blog-posts/trump-justices-cast-deciding-votes-in-shadow-docket-order-harming-minority-voting-rights-in-louisiana/

What is Court Packing? Rutgers University: https://www.rutgers.edu/news/what-court-packing


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