Episode 35: MK Ultra

Mind control, drugging, blackmail, and celebrity glitches. The United States government claims it will do whatever it takes to protect its citizens, but what if they very citizens they claim to be protecting are unwittingly part of a horrific psychological experiment? One journalist blew the lid on this decade long government-sanctioned torture. But did it really ever end?


10 Real Victims Of The CIA’s MK-ULTRA Program, Listverse: http://listverse.com/2015/05/28/10-real-victims-of-the-cias-mkultra-program/

MK-Ultra, The History Channel: https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra

THE CIA'S APPALLING HUMAN EXPERIMENTS WITH MIND CONTROL, The History Channel: https://www.history.com/mkultra-operation-midnight-climax-cia-lsd-experiments

Victims of CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Are Fighting Back, Gaia: https://www.gaia.com/article/victims-of-cias-mkultra-mind-control-program-are-fighting-back

Meet Maryam Ruhullah: A Victim Of MK-ULTRA, Counter Currents: https://www.countercurrents.org/lendman160210.htm

Nuremberg Code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code

15 Famous People Who Are Allegedly Controlled By Project MKUltra, The Richest: https://www.therichest.com/world-entertainment/15-famous-people-who-are-allegedly-controlled-by-project-mkultra/

Project MKUltra: The CIA’s Mind Control Operation, Aperture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9GlB0TPDp4


Episode 36: The Wrongful Conviction of Amanda Knox


Episode 34: Unexplained Disappearances